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Agile Team lead

Realize Agile-at-scale

Connect work delivery, lean portfolio management, and strategic planning to deliver larger initiatives faster and more successfully. Apply enterprise scaling agile frameworks, such as SAFe or others, to accelerate delivery.

Coordinate across teams and plan incrementally with multiple, interconnected Kanban boards that visualize features, milestones, and dependencies. Connect teams working in a mix of agile tools and configurations for cross-team planning and collaboration.



Change – Agile execution

Enterprise success becomes reality when all people, resources, business capabilities, and work are delivering on your strategy. Changelocus work and resource management solutions break down silos, integrate portfolios, and provide executive level visibility into how it’s all coming together. No matter how your teams work – milestone driven projects, Lean-Agile or unstructured collaborative work.

The Changelocus solution for Lean and Agile delivery enables software development, DevOps, IT operations, and product engineering teams to apply Lean-Agile practices to continuously improve the flow of work, helping them work smarter and deliver faster.

Changelocus is a cloud-based subscription service that brings together the best tools for the modern workplace